Wednesday 3 February 2010

Main Task


You should begin filming the scenes for your trailer during the week beginning Monday February 1st 2010.

You have until Friday, March 5th 2010 to complete all your filming for the trailer.

Analyse the example film trailer from one of last year's Year 13 group and look at the teacher's write up to see how the students gained marks. The overall mark was 51 out of 60 for the leader of the group, which the moderator agreed with, so it is a good example of level 4 construction.

Try to make your trailer even better!

Planning – Comments and mark out of 30

The production was well planned by the candidate who made an excellent contribution to the research and planning stage of the project displaying good leadership qualities. There was clear evidence of organised use of time and equipment, and the candidate's involvement with the development of an appropriate brief and storyboard was very good. The candidate carried out relevant individual analysis of appropriate genre films and identified key codes and conventions of trailers during group planning activities. The candidate also created the initial five hundred word plot synopsis which was adapted by the rest of the group for the finished trailer. The actors were well organised during the project and the candidate was responsible for selecting the location for the setting. The gun props were also supplied by the candidate who was given permission to use them by his parents on their private land. All internal deadlines were met successfully during the research and planning stage of the production. Overall, the candidate's contribution to the planning was excellent and he played a key role during the development of the storyboard and script.

Planning – 26

Construction – Comments and Mark out of 60

The candidate was the main creative leader within the group during the construction of the project. He played a major role during both the filming and editing phases of the trailer and displayed excellence in most of the technical skills at the lower end of level 4. The majority of the material is appropriate to the genre of the film and shot effectively. The candidate shared responsibility for the camera work which is consistently good throughout the trailer with a number of steady, well framed shots. There is little in terms of unnecessary footage, although some of the shots of the “soldiers” walking through the forest are a little repetitive. The group has used actors very effectively during filming; costumes and props have been used skilfully to represent the soldiers within the narrative. The key themes of conflict and isolation are constructed clearly. The candidate shared responsibility for selecting the soundtrack at the start of the trailer which works well with the shots of the soldiers walking in the forest to create a sense of equilibrium. The candidate helped to create the titles which create exposition effectively by stating that the soldiers are carrying out “a mission on the other side of the world”. A code of enigma is also created with the title, “They didn’t know what hell was” and phrases such as “there is a bigger threat” and “enemies unite against evil” address the audience appropriately. The candidate made a significant contribution to the diegetic sound effect of the walkie-talkie over the black screen which creates a suitable disorientating effect and suggests danger effectively. The reference to the production company is conventional and acknowledges the institutional context of the product. The composition of the establishing shots of the soldiers in the forest is good and the shots are steady, if a little long and repetitive. The candidate helped to create the “radiation” sign which is an effective home-made prop that connotes danger effectively and is framed clearly with an effective reverse zoom that establishes the soldiers in the dangerous environment. The “fade to black” transitions are used conventionally and each of the scenes has been scripted and choreographed effectively. There is also a good variety of camera angles within the trailer. The shots of the monster are fairly effective, with deliberate use of low lighting. The shot of the “victim” being dragged into the bush is also well framed and steady. The final shot of the monster rising behind the soldier is a conventional “reveal” and is handled well. The transition of the soundtrack is subtle and the fast paced montage of shots is edited in time to the music. The candidate created the “alarm” sound effect used over the title of the film which anchors meaning effectively. Film credits have been used appropriately and the time of release is clear. Overall, the material has been filmed and edited so that meaning is clear to the viewer. The candidate's contribution to the construction of the trailer displays evidence of level 4 for the majority of the technical skills outlined in the syllabus.

Construction – 51

A2 Advanced Portfolio

Key Deadlines

Main Task

1. All principle filming to be completed by Friday 5th March 2010
2. Editing to be completed by Friday 12th March 2010
3. Trailer to be finished by Friday 19th March 2010

Ancillary Tasks

4. Film magazine coverFriday 12th February 2010
5. Film PosterFriday 12th March 2010

Research and Planning

6. Blog – Keep up to date. Final Date for entry: Friday 30th April 2010


7. PowerPoint Presentation – Completed by Friday 23rd April 2010