Friday 4 December 2009

Production Tasks

1. Complete your textual analysis of the film trailers that you have selected.

2. Post the 500 word plot summary of your imaginary film.

3. Complete the storyboard for your trailer.

4. You need to explain why you have created a storyboard and how you created it.

  • Focus on how decisions were made during the development of the stroyboard.
  • You should also explain how you intend to use the storyboard during the production phase of your project.

5. Create an animatic of your storyboard.

  • Use a digital camera to photograph an image that represents each of the pictures of your storyboard.
  • Download the pictures into Premier Elements and edit them into sequence.
  • Add any relevant dialogue or music to give an idea of what the trailer is going to sound like. These do not have to be your final decisions about sound. This is part of the drafting process.

The deadline for the above tasks is Friday 11th December.

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