Tuesday 19 January 2010

Anciliary Task 1 - Film Magazine Front Cover

Ancillary Tasks

Film Magazine Covers

You have one hour to re-create the layout of the text of an Empire magazine cover using Adobe InDesign. You can use the most recent edition (pictured) or one of your own choosing.

You should include frames instead of images in order to create a basic layout.

Choose appropriate fonts, text sizes and colours.

Pay particular attention to the layout and design of the page.

Deadline: Tuesday 26th January 2010

Film Magazines
Textual Analysis

You should analyse the front covers of at least two film magazines in order to develop your understanding of the relevant codes and conventions of the media form.

1. What are the functions of a film magazine?

· Discuss the function of the different sections of a film magazine.

2. How do film magazines target an audience?

3. What are the key codes and conventions of the front cover of a film magazine? You should focus on the following:

· The masthead
· The strap line
· The sell lines
· The main image
· Subsidiary images
· Mise-en scene
· Captions
· The flash – reference to competitions
· References to films
· References to film directors, actors etc.
· References to “specials”
· Lists of actors, etc

4. Why are film magazines an important aspect of the film industry?

5. What is the relationship between film magazines and readers?

6. What is the relationship between film magazines and the film industry?

7. How do film covers represent social groups?

8. What is the mode of address of the front cover of the film magazine?
Deadline: You should update your blog by Tuesday 26th January 2010

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