Monday, 23 November 2009

Advanced Production Preliminary Tasks

A2 Portfolio

You must learn how to use the technology before you begin your film trailer.

Complete the following tasks in order to develop your filming and editing skills:

Camera Skills

Take a 5 second shot using each of the following camera distances:

1. Medium Long Shot of a character inside

2. Close up of a female student

3. Extreme close up of a male or female student’s face

4. Two shot of a male and female student

Take a 5 second shot using each of the following camera angles:

1. High angle shot of a female student

2. Point of view shot of a character looking around a car park

Take a 5 second shot using each of the following camera movement:

1. Pan left – exterior

2. Crab left – interior

3. Crab right – exterior

4. Zoom in on a female character

5. Tilt down – female character outside

Editing Tasks

Task 1
Use Adobe Premier Elements to edit the shots in your film timeline into the following order:

1. Extreme Long Shot of the Blorange
2. Medium close up of a male teacher
3. Long Shot of three characters on the field
4. Zoom out on a male character
5. Tracking shot of a character walking
6. Big close up of a male student’s face
7. Bird’s eye shot of a male and female student
8. Extreme close up of an object
9. Close up of a hand on a door handle
10. Tilt up –male character inside
11. Canted shot of a male and female student
12. Low angle shot of a male teacher

You should remove any unnecessary footage from the timeline before moving onto task 2.

Task 2
Remove any footage of the clapper board by cropping each of the shots.

Task 3
Add the following transitions to 5 of the shots on your film timeline.
· Cross Dissolve
· Dip to black
· Dip to white
· Wipe
· Zoom

Task 4
Add the following effects to 4 of the shots on your film timeline.
· Black and white
· Old Film
· Line Drawing
· Lightning

Save the completed video as a Windows Media Player file when you have completed editing the footage.

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